At Coachingandweb, we believe that customer service is a priority for the business.
We believe those following points are the basics of a good customer service :
- truly listen to your customers and remember that they pay your salary and make your job possible !
- Be a good listener. Ask questions and concentrate on what the customer is really saying. Listen to their words, tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask yourself the question : do you know what three things are most important to your customer? It's then your job, as a webmaster, to re-create what they expect to see on their website. Mind maps can help.
-Identify and anticipate needs. Learn more about them and their business plans to be aware of their up coming needs. Are they going to need a form, for what reason, how is the form presented,...?
-Make customers feel appreciated and important. Treat them as individuals. They may not know any codes as XHTML nor CSS, JavaScript and the rest of them but they do have a lot of talents too. It's down to you to help customers understand your systems. It avoids them getting confused or angry.
-Always look for ways to help your customers. "Yes" is an extreemly powerful word, but don't forget that you must always do what you say you are going to do.
-Know how to apologize and value their complaints. It gives you an opportunity to improve your services.
-Make that "extra step forward" to offer the excellent service you'd like to receive yourself if you'd be in their position. Be aware of the competition by being more creative.
-Get regular feedback and check back regularly to see how things are going.
-And finally, enjoy what you make for them and be sincere. Thank them for their custom !